(095) 433-46-74

I would like to get into a friendly team, where I will have the opportunity to improve my programming skills and participate in unusual large projects. I'm a Ruby on Rails developer with a lot of passion for JS, finding inspiration in programming. First of all, I'm looking for good and clear solutions to complex problems.

  • Rich experience in Ruby and JS languages
  • Solid expertise in Ruby
  • Expertise in Ruby on Rails Framework ( Contributions )
  • Complete understanding of web development (REST, Stateless, HTTP)
  • Experience in building Database system based on UML diagrams: PostgreSQL, MySQL;
  • Mentorship of junior staff in Ruby, Ruby on Rails
  • Practical experience of teaching Ruby
  • Took part in conferences as a speaker

Photo & Video hosting for sale service

Position: Backend developer
Client: The private person

Beyondimagination is a site where models and studios can upload content for sale.

The main idea of ​​the site is the sale of video/photo content. One of the main requirements was adaptability for mobile devices and tablets. Also, the work was complicated by the fact that it was necessary to work with a large inherited base of already existing data.

Users of the site fall into two categories:
  • * Fan - consumers of content,
  • * Models / Studios are content providers.
In addition to the standard purchase of content (video, pixels), users can request custom content from models, buy subscriptions for models, chat with models and fool their accounts on the site.


  • Team activities coordination (2 backend developers, 2 frontend developers)
  • Communicating with stakeholders to figure out requirements and project needs
  • Designing application architecture
  • Frontend and backend development and refactoring;
  • Setting up CI/CD plans and maintaining deployment/release process;
  • A monitoring system, including payment system and webhooks

Main features:

  • Create a unique solution for a project: Payment library for CCBill payment system
  • Add an ability to upload files to S3 in a background
  • Encode the video after uploading ( interact with Zencoder service )
  • Apply image uploading to Amazon & add an ability to process the image on the fly ( Imgix )
  • Wrote AWS Lambda to trigger callbacks on file uploads
  • Data transfer: Parse 2M links in parallel (Eventmachine + Fibers)

Cryptocurrency wallet

Fronted + Backend developer
Client: The Crypto Company

It is a desktop cryptocurrency wallet built on React and Electron JS

Complete cryptocurrency wallet-management system for the financial sector, offering custody and the ability to process transactions.

The project’s aim was to provide a solution/app that would be installed on the private computer of clients. Clients can add new cryptocurrencies and check their balance in just a few clicks. The project consisted of several parts. One part was dedicated for creation of desktop-base application to provide a friendly interface to communicate with our app. Another part - is a backend project that responsible for communication with trading services and creation of transactions that implemented based on the Blockchain technology. The application supported several user roles, maintained complex data. Provide ability to see graphics and statistical information. Import/export documents and logs.


  • Backend architecture development
  • Discussion of product needs and goals
  • Desktop deployment, setup and installation
  • Reviewing code requests (PR)
  • Writing project documentation
  • Implementing code and testing

Main features:

  • Setup Autoapdates for native apps for Mac and Windows platforms
  • Add an ability to pack the project as a .DMG and .EXE files
  • Setup mock-server as a staging server for the app
  • Add an ability to communicate with USB device ( Approve and Decline)
  • Setup React + Redux based application

Christian Radio

Fronted + Backend developer
Client: The private person from Commonwealth of Churches

On the site you can listen to popular religious radio stations, podcasts of famous businessmen, mothers and spiritual teachers, telling about their lives

The project was aimed at creating a website for the religious people to provide more effective UI experience of listening any religion music. Also, publish own content that monitored and approved by our system.

Our team had the next tasks:

- Implement SEO optimized and friendly interface

- Ability to play video podcasts

- Implement Vimeo channels and RSS video podcasts

- implement a mobile client that can be used by our clients

- Rewrite DB/SQL structure

- Improve the search system ( optimized high loaded SQL queries )

- Add advertising banners and ability to show/change them


  • Rewrite architecture of a legacy project
  • Rebuild the system to support all platform including mobile devices
  • An implement deep CEO-friendly site for web-crawlers
  • Modification of complex queries to speed up application
  • Process organization
  • Negotiations with the customer and requirements gathering.

Main features:

  • Deep work with SEO optimization (, Screaming Frog )
  • Creation of SPA Project that based on Angular 1
  • Setup publishing to Facebook pages
  • Add RSS parsing from different feed endpoints

Anadea 2013-10-30 — 2018-05-20

Ruby On Rails Developer

JetThoughts 2012-10-15 — 2013-08-15

Ruby On Rails Developer

Donetsk National Technical University 2007-09-01 — 2012-07-01

Information Technology


  • C++
  • Basic SQL
  • Java Introduction

Minsk JS

Published by 24 May 2018

Dnepr JS Сlub

Published by 18 Jan 2018

Open Source activity: Rails

Published by

Open Source activity: Game

Published by

Game based on Phaser.js and WebSockets

Open Source activity: Articles

Published by

Ruby on Rails

  • Ruby, Rails 3, 4, 5, Rails API
  • Rmagick, Fog, AWS, Zencoder
  • Dalli, whenever, geoip, foursquare, delayed_job, resque
  • ElasticSearch based on "Chevy", Ransack
  • I18n
  • Active Admin
  • PDF builder ( wkhtmltopdf )
  • Mailcatcher, Native Rails previewer.
  • Jbuilder + ActiveModel serializer
  • Paypal SDK ( Braintree), Stripe
  • SEO (, share on FB, TW tags )
  • Sinatra, Sinatra as API
  • Editors ( Markdown, redcarpet, pygments, markitup-rails )


  • CSS ( old browser support, all browsers, mobile view )
  • Angular 1 in a production app
  • React ( Redux, Babel, Webpack ) in home projects
  • npm ( yarn )
  • Electron
  • SVG, Fontcustom
  • WebRTC

Extra skills ( OS )

  • Git
  • MacOS
  • Sublime 3 ( with extensions )
  • Postman with Httparty.
  • Screaming Frog for SEO
  • NewRelic, Google Tag manager, customerIO
  • SEO ( Optimization for single page )


  • Rspec 2,3
  • VCR
  • Doubles, Stubs, Mocks, build_stubbed
  • Page Object pattern
  • Parallel Test
  • TimeCop
(Upper Intermediate)

Rails and Modern JS Stack

  • Write apps on Electron
  • React, Redux
  • Write chrome extension

Unofficial CCBill SDK for Ruby


Bomberman game with Multiplayer


In Progress: Simple electron base calculator for Win and Mac with latest features.


Gem AuditLogger ( extracted from a project )


Electron ( Ract+Redux app)


API ( Rails + ActiveModel Serializer )


API for audio charts ( Sinatra )


Audio player based on electron. ( Electron, Redux, React )


Chrome extension.


RubyMotion App.


Electron app to take screenshots and video recording


Rails app to make phone calls based on Rails + WebRTC + WebSockets (ActionCable)
